CLASP urges Congress to pass legislation to support students in completing their degrees, remove burdensome work requirements, and help end student hunger.
This policy report highlights state options to expand SNAP access to students with low incomes—beyond the temporary student provisions in the recent COVID-19 relief bill—and minimize unfair and unrealistic work requirements.
This policy report highlights state options to expand SNAP access to students with low incomes—beyond the temporary student provisions in the recent COVID-19 relief bill—and minimize unfair and unrealistic work requirements.
Access to SNAP promotes food security, improves wellbeing, and reduces poverty. And today’s college students require greater support, given the numerous difficulties they encounter including food insecurity. SNAP can do much to alleviate the challenges food insecurity may cause, though few students receive SNAP in…
This document by Lauren Walizer discusses a range of policy and practice options that states can undertake to increase college student access to public benefits.
This brief by Lauren Walizer discusses what CLASP has learned from working with states to enact such changes and develop a comprehensive and collaborative strategy to dedicate themselves to this work long-term.
With unmet financial need increasing, SNAP is critical to address student hunger at colleges. Food insecurity is a threat to health, wellbeing, and success.