CLASP is committed to making WIOA work. That’s why we’ve developed short, action-focused memos outlining how states, local areas, advocates, and service providers can leverage opportunities to serve low-income youth and adults through state and local plans, policies and guidance, and budget choices.
Affordable health care is essential for physical and mental health, financial security and employment success. However, low-income workers rarely have access to health insurance through their jobs and cannot afford to buy insurance without help. That’s why Medicaid is critical. It provides low-income people comprehensive health coverage that prevents illness, promotes children’s development, and supports employment. CLASP works to protect and build on historic gains in insurance coverage made through the Affordable Care Act—fighting back against federal efforts to repeal and block grant Medicaid and pressing states to expand their programs. We also address challenges central to the wellbeing of low-income individuals and families like accessing maternal depression treatment and young adult behavioral health.