Webinar: An Advocates’ Guide to Oversight of Online Benefit Applications
The Coalition for Access and Opportunity is a collaboration of advocates, researchers, and practitioners working to improve access and coordination of the range of federal income and work supports. In 2014, the Coalition is sponsoring a series of webinars that will highlight opportunities for advocates and other human service professionals to support horizontal integration initiatives at a time of great transition for federal work support programs.
An Advocates’ Guide to Oversight of Online Benefit Applications, focuses on online public benefit applications. Online applications can be very helpful to working participants and those with limited mobility; however, when poorly designed, they can act as barriers to access. Many states are in the process of revising their systems due to the changes required by the Affordable Care Act. During this webinar, participants hear from presenters who discuss tools and tips advocates can use to engage their state on online application concerns as well as the case example of Florida’s journey with online applications.
Webinar Presenters:
- Ty Jones, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Val Greenfield, Florida Legal Services
- Cindy Huddleston, Florida Legal Services
This webinar is organized by the Coalition for Access and Opportunity, of which CLASP is a co-convener.