HUD is planning a pilot program to provide direct rental assistance to some who are eligible for housing choice vouchers. Giving cash instead of vouchers to eligible renters is a monumental change that signals trust in participants.
By Jesse Fairbanks In late April, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in an important case regarding homelessness. Grants Pass v. Johnson will decide whether the city of Grants Pass, Oregon, violated the constitutional rights of people experiencing homelessness by fining or arresting them…
By the CLASP Income & Work Supports Team The Income & Work Supports team at CLASP works to advance public benefits justice, and Black History Month has us thinking about the history of economic injustice in this country. The economic injustices caused by slavery, segregation,…
2023 SNAP Policy Conference – 10th Conference Anniversary Co-presenters: Jesse Fairbanks (they/them), Policy Analyst at the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), and Tamika Moore (she/her), Lived Experience Expert and Founding Member of CLASP’s Community Partnership Group will be presenting at the 2023 SNAP…
On December 1, Nia West-Bey and Jesse Fairbanks spoke at the Congressional Hunger Center’s “Gen Z and Food Security: A Focus on Our Nation’s Young Adults.”
Two U.S. cities—Santa Monica, CA and Evanston, IL—recently achieved important milestones in their plans to compensate Black residents whose ancestors were directly harmed by racist housing and land use policies.
More members of Congress must raise homeownership disparities and community reinvestment as a priority in the Build Back Better agenda, displaying their support for programs that acknowledge and strive to dismantle racist housing and land use policies or eliminate their lasting, discriminatory effects.
To help tenants stay in their homes, local and federal policymakers must advance effective solutions like right-to-counsel programs, which ERAP funds can support. Such programs help tenants secure representation to fight evictions, a step toward equity that many local governments have shown can reduce housing…