What Community College Students Say Impedes Their Progress
By Ashley A. Smith
(The article quotes Lauren Walizer about a survey that found that working and paying for expenses were the top two challenges community college students said impeded their academic success.)
Despite the challenges cited by the students surveyed, they had positive opinions about their colleges that indicated that two-year institutions are doing well over all. Ninety-five percent of students reported they would recommend their college to a friend. About 50 percent of students said their college is worth more than what they’re paying, and 48 percent reported their institution had a fair value.
“They do see a better life for themselves, and they have an overriding optimism about the potential of college,” said Lauren Walizer, a senior policy analyst with the Center for Law and Social Policy, adding that the survey confirmed much of the work CLASP has done in identifying challenges two-year college students face. She noted, however, that optimism is not always enough to carry students to the finish line.
Read the full article here.