10 more higher-ed predictions for 2019.
By Ellen Ullman
This article references CLASP’s report “When Financial Aid Falls Short: New Data Reveal Students Face Thousands in Unmet Need”, which analyzes new ED data from academic year 2015-16 and finds that nearly three in four students experience unmet need, and that unmet need among college students has risen by 23 percent since academic year 2011-12.
“Unmet need has grown. The Center for Law and Social Policy released a report showing that average undergraduate student “unmet need” (the difference between price paid and grants) grew 23 percent between 2012 and 2016 alone.”
Read the full article here.
Source URL: https://www.ecampusnews.com/2019/01/10/10-more-higher-ed-predictions-for-2019/