Trigger Warning: This page contains references to themes which some individuals may find distressing, including suicide and harassment. “The slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery.” – W. E. B. Du Bois By Christian Collins Black…
A recent National Bureau of Economic Research report examines the impact of student eligibility for a need-based state grant program in Florida on student outcomes by comparing eligible recipients to those just below the income eligibility cutoff.
Direct care workers who provide home care assistance to older adults and people with illnesses and disabilities xe2x80" have long been excluded from minimum wage and overtime protections enjoyed by most other classes of workers.
Since the early part of the decade, the number of young children (those from birth to 5 years of age ) living in poverty in the United States has been climbing.
Stimulating Opportunity, a new report from the Economic Mobility Corporation, highlights the role subsidized employment programs can play in reconnecting long-term unemployed workers to the workforce.
While more undergraduates are receiving student aid, the average college student still suffers from significant unmet need--the "gap" between college costs and what students can afford to pay on their own or with grant aid.
Having the time to bond with a new baby is crucial for many reasons. One reason why those first weeks after a baby is born are so vital is the importance of the breastfeeding relationship. However, for many mothers, that relationship is soon disrupted xe
Seventy percent of Americans favor providing 4-year-olds with access to high-quality preschool, according to results of a national survey of voters released today by the First Five Years Fund (FFYF).