Trigger Warning: This page contains references to themes which some individuals may find distressing, including suicide and harassment. “The slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery.” – W. E. B. Du Bois By Christian Collins Black…
MDRC's report, Beyond the GED, provides a snapshot of innovative adult education programs and the challenges involved in helping high school dropouts acquire a GED and gain postsecondary credentials.
In a Wonkblog piece, "Bob Costas is right: Going to work sick is a terrible idea," Sarah Kliff rightly points out that many U.S. workers go to work sick because they don’t have access to paid sick days.
The Senate again failed to overcome a filibuster preventing action on a bill to extend federal UI. This Q&A hopes to understand what this means on the ground – and to learn about one strategy for helping such workers.
The WDQC recently launched a new website, and issued a new report, Making Workforce Data Work about steps policymakers can take to improve the availability and quality of information about postsecondary education and training.
On this anniversary, policymakers, advocates, and businesses are calling for Congress to do more for working families. The FMLA provides some workers with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to care for a new baby, tend to a sick family member, or recover…
“For many workers, taking an unpaid leave is not a viable option,” says Liz-Ben-Ishai, policy analyst at CLASP (the Center for Law and Social Policy). It’s unpaid, which often makes taking a leave financially impossible. That’s the number one reason people don’t take family and…
On January 29, 2014, the House passed H.R. 2642, a negotiated agreement between House and Senate Agriculture Committee leaders on the 5-year Farm Bill.
CLASP applauds the Obama Administration for its continued commitment to strengthening education for all Americans and for its attention to disadvantaged and nontraditional students.
Comprehensive services (including preventive health, mental health, and developmental screening) are key to children's success and an important part of high-quality child care.