CLASP comments on the proposed changes to the ACF-801: Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Quarterly Case-Level Report and urges the Office of Child Care in the Administration for Children and Families to provide more publicly available CCDF data. >> Read the comment here.
CLASP comments on the proposed changes to the ACF-800: Child Care and Development Annual Aggregate Report and urges the Office of Child Care in the Administration for Children and Families to provide more publicly available CCDF data. >> Read the comments here.
Child care has long been unaffordable and inaccessible for many families. The Child Care Development Fund, the primary federal funding source to help families with low incomes access child care, is a crucial support for many families. However, Congress has never funded child care at…
This project aims to provide a deeper understanding of the impact that federal COVID child care relief funds have already had across four states: Louisiana, Michigan, New York, and Virginia.
This report addresses and assesses many policies—particularly presumptive eligibility—that may be useful to other states' efforts to improve their child care subsidy programs.
By Alyssa Fortner Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Household Pulse Survey.” Specifically, we recommended the inclusion of more questions in the survey to ensure a deeper understanding of the impact that the…
By Alyssa Fortner CLASP comments on the CACFP provisions within the “Child Nutrition Programs: Revisions to Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. >> Read full comments
CLASP provides considerations for the recent notice of “Proposed Information Collection Activity; The Role of Licensing in Early Care and Education (New Collection).”