On Thursday, September 12th, Rachel Wilensky, Senior Policy Analyst on the Child Care and Early Education team, will deliver opening remarks and moderate a panel discussion at the Economic Policy Institute’s annual Economic Analysis and Research Network Conference (EARNCon). The plenary on Advancing Equity in…
At the CC4EFN meeting, Tiffany provided “real-time” in-person technical assistance to eight states in attendance leading two roundtables on state policy options/flexibilities in child care and the 2024 Child Care and Development fund final rule. In order to win the national child care system that…
CLASP’s senior policy analyst Tiffany Ferrette will speaks about the Child Care and Development fund final rule with a robust, clear outline of the requirements and encouragements given to states; provide state examples of child care policies that are already being implemented; and discuss the…
This briefing will focused on both the achievements and challenges in advancing the War on Poverty’s goals and discuss strategies for eliminating economic and racial injustices.
CLASP senior policy analyst, Tiffany Ferrette, presents at a session entitled, “Reimagining Child Care Quality: How the Child Care and Development Fund Final Rule will Improve Systems.” This session covered the recently released Child Care and Development Fund final rule and how the new requirements,…
Olivia Golden moderated a Foundation for Child Development webinar based on a report–Cutting Child Poverty in Half and More: Pandemic-Era Lessons From Child and Family Advocates and Organizers--she co-authored with the Foundation for Child Development. The webinar explores the story behind the federal policy changes…
For 25 years, CLASP’s Child Care and Early Education (CCEE) team has been instrumental in ensuring that millions of families with children have equitable access to affordable and quality care and education. We are so deeply proud of the impact CLASP’s CCEE team has had…
June 21: Juliana Zhou spoke at “Advancing Data Equity: Highlighting Statistical Policy Directive No. 15 to Accelerate the Health Equity Movement,” hosted by National Minority Quality Forum. View a recording here.
June 20: In partnership with Children at Risk, the Children Thrive Action Network and other organizations will host the fifth annual National Immigration Summit, which will explore the unique challenges facing immigrant children and their families. Register here.
June 18: CLASP hosted a Senate Hill Briefing with AFL-CIO, SEIU, and the Good Jobs Collaborative on the importance of a workforce development system that builds worker power. Emily Andrews participated in a panel.