Building thoughtful, targeted performance systems into public programs can create or boost incentives to improve services to low-income people. For anti-poverty programs, well-designed performance systems incent partners to effectively align services in cross-program pathway models for people with barriers to employment.
CLASP has analyzed and advocated for positive performance policies in a number of areas, including the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Adult Education and Family Literacy (AEFLA), Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (CTE), State Postsecondary Outcomes-based funding (OBF), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T), among others.
Today, the U.S. Department of Education released a draft framework for President Obama’s proposed college ratings system. We are pleased to see some of our recommendations addressed in the draft framework.
This paper provides a framework for understanding the full scope of shared accountability and is intended to promote discussion of how WIOA performance accountability provisions could be aligned to integrate service delivery.
CLASP issued these recommendations for implementing PIRS in a way that empowers students by providing the information they need to make informed decisions while also avoiding unintended consequences, especially for low-income and under-represented students.
This brief from class provides an introduction to Social Impact Bonds, explaining how they work, how impact is measured, and their potential benefit to vulnerable communities.
Not enough individuals are reaching their career and educational goals. Half of the U.S. workforce has only a high school diploma or less, and many of those with a high school diploma lack the necessary skills to compete for the jobs of the future. CLASP…