Why The US Urgently Needs Paid Sick Leave

By Judy Stone 


A new study in the National Bureau of Economic Research found that the mandates increased coverage by 13%; employees averaged two extra sick days per year. Importantly, there were no significant adverse effects on other benefits nor did it affect employment or wages. Lead author Johanna Catherina Maclean, of Temple University, told the New York Times that, “When we think about that collective well-being, society is better off after the mandates than before the mandates.”

While the CDC tells employers, to “ensure that your sick leave policies are flexible and consistent with public health guidance,” they have not been stepping up adequately. The Murray-DeLauro paid sick leave legislation proposal has been endorsed by National Partnership for Women and Families, National Employment Law Project (NELP), Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), Center for American Progress (CAP).


Read the full article here.

Source URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2020/03/10/why-the-us-urgently-needs-paid-sick-leave/