Tuesday Coronavirus Q&A: Census workers, remote work and child support guidance
By Bridge Staff
Q: My daughter works in a nursing home. She is still working and she lives in our home. I have an autoimmune disease and am at a higher risk. We are all very worried that she may bring the virus home. If she chooses to self-isolate, is there anything in place to help her keep her job when this is all over?
She might consider discussing a leave of absence with her employer. The two recently passed pieces of legislation, the CARES Act and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, address situations in which a worker or family member have COVID-19 or have symptoms of the disease. The Center for Law and Social Policy provides an overview of paid sick days and paid leave provisions.
In addition, the state made eligible for unemployment workers who are self-isolating or self-quarantining because they are immunocompromised, have COVID-19 symptoms, have had contact in the last 14 days with someone confirmed to have the virus, need to care for someone who has the virus, or need to take care of family as the result of a government directive (such as caring for their children).
Read the full article here.