Stimulus provides some relief for women — but experts say it’s far from enough

By Shefali Luthra


“Women are now either sole or co-breadwinners in 64 percent of families, and that’s even more so in families led by women of color,” said Pronita Gupta, the director of job quality at the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), a nonpartisan anti-poverty organization. “If these co- or sole breadwinners have to make this untenable choice between caregiving and their own health or going to work, we’re going to see more women leaving the workforce because they have to take care of the families.”


“It falls far short in terms of the needs for this sector to weather the pandemic and come out the other side,” said Katherine Gallagher Robbins, the director of child care and early education at CLASP. “I have deeply mixed feelings about where we are landing on the child care number.”

Read full article here.

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