Food stamp rolls have declined by 7M under Trump even before reforms take effect
By Nihal Krishan
In the past year, the USDA has proposed three major changes to the food stamp program: new rules that would create stricter work requirements for program eligibility, remove the states’ flexibility when it comes to the income threshold of the program, and changing the immigrant “public charge” definition, which can prevent immigrants from getting U.S. visas if they get certain government benefits, to include food stamps.
“The Trump administration has deliberately taken policy actions to reduce the number of needy people getting food assistance under SNAP,” said Olivia Golden, executive director for the Center for Law and Social Policy. “It has gone around Congress to change policies with bipartisan support in order to make people hungrier.”
The agency’s proposed regulation changes could result in almost 4 million fewer people receiving food stamps and millions more having their annual benefits decreased, according to a study by the Urban Institute. This would include nearly a million schoolchildren losing their automatic eligibility for free or reduced-price school meals.
Read the full article here.