Earlier this year, the Department of Labor issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to update the National Apprenticeship System to align registered apprenticeships to the evolving needs of workers, employers, and the economy.
"The U.S. public workforce system has long left behind young Americans (ages 16 to 24) who have relatively high unemployment rates, according to a brief from the Center for Law and Social Policy."
The just-passed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 includes important and long-overdue investments to help restore fairness in our tax system, reduce health care costs, and address the climate crisis.
The Board of Trustees of the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) announces that it has chosen Indivar “Indi” Dutta-Gupta as its next executive director.
Build Back Better will strengthen the nation’s economy and secure a more equitable future for people with low incomes, communities of color, and immigrant families.
Read this op-ed by Duy Pham and Dr. Jamie Riley of NAACP (formerly CLASP staff) about how the Build Back Better proposed agenda would make historic investments that people with low incomes and BIPOC have long been excluded from.
CLASP responds to latest poverty data showing a drop resulting from federal programs to address the pandemic and recession. Congress must continue this investment through the Build Back Better Act.