The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) is grateful for the opportunity to submit this statement for the record to the House Subcommittee on Higher Education and the Workforce. CLASP is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit advancing anti-poverty policy solutions that disrupt structural and systemic…
In response to the Education Department's interim final rule precluding DACA, TPS, and DED recipients and undocumented students from CARES ACT funding, CLASP submitted comments opposing it in its entirety and urging the department to promptly withdraw it.
This letter to the chairs and ranking members of the House Education and Labor Committee and Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee details CLASP's postsecondary education requests in any additional round of coronavirus-related stimulus funding.
CLASP sent this letter to congressional members recommending actions to address the needs of workers in low-wage jobs, those already unemployed and struggling to find work, and those who live in poverty during the economic-fall-out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
CLASP submitted this statement for the record outlining the necessity of addressing equity and expanding access for nontraditional apprenticeship populations in any forthcoming reauthorization of the National Apprenticeship Act.
CLASP submitted comments on the Department of Education's intention to create a negotiated rulemaking panel focused on accreditation an da host of other vitally important issues in postsecondary education.